#100DaysToOffload, 21/100
Yesterday while catching up on my feed, I noticed a post about https://moosefs.com/ . Most of my dealings with distributed filesystems has been with Lustre, and only from a user perspective. After looking over #moosefs I am curious if this is a filesystem that I should put into my #homelab. A few days ago I… Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, 20/100, IPV6 was the issue
I’m currently coonected to an IPV6 only network and was wondering why this blog was again unreachable. As it turns out I didn’t have IPV6 set up correctly with cloudflare which now additionally explains why this blog was unreachable during certain times. Continue reading
#100DaystoOffload, 19/100
Thankful for the opportunity and ability to get a workout in for the day. I was looking over the past few weeks when I missed a lot of exercise and it definitely shows up in the trends of my iOS Health app metrics. Rest now for tomorrow Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, 19/100 , SELinux was the problem
It took a bit of digging but I found out that SELinux was blocking a cronjob that updated the Cloudflare DNS records for this blog. Now I just needed to modify that SELinux rules to allow this work. While every day I do think about blogging, the inability to actually post has been annoying but… Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, day 18
Wow, where is the week going to? Already almost the weekend! I have really enjoyed Proxmox but haven’t deployed any containers inside of it. I’m thinking about doing a Greenbone OpenVas container. I need to get a credentialed scanner back up and running. Anyone using something other than openvas? Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, day 17
Friday Jr is over and the real thing is tomorrow. Hoping it is a quiet day and can make some progress on some projects. Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, day 16
Unfortunately I’ve been having some DNS issues with my domains. At least it seems like DNS. As such my website has been unavailable and hence not able to post. Things seem to be back to normal but we’ll see. Sadly that means that almost 2 weeks have gone by without posting. But each day I… Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, Day 15
Installing Greenbone OpenVAS to resume scanning of my systems. Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, day 14
The weekend is here and it has been a quiet morning to make progress on some to-do items. Over the past few weeks I have been migrating off of M365 for domain hosting and office collaboration. With the last migration of contacts into NextCloud, and OneNotes into DevonThink, the migration is now complete. While I… Continue reading
#100DaysToOffload, day 13
Just watched a fictional show with an appendectomy done on a cruise ship in a hurricane. Continue reading